North Kansas City, KS

GAC purchased (2) 5 Ton Cranes and installed them into the existing DSF building. This work took a considerable amount of coordination with BNSF. When the cranes were delivered, we had to put them on a flatbed car to get them into the building, and once they were in the building, we brought in a crane to do the lifting. The cranes were lifted, rotated, and placed onto the existing rail. Due to other traffic in the area, we completed the north crane install first before moving on to the South crane; this way, BNSF always had a crane to use. Due to valued engineering, we could use the existing bus bar and run copper wire in place of the aluminum wire. Our project was completed several days in advance by working 12-hour days and Saturdays.

Client: BNSF
Architect: TKDA
Industry: Railroad