BNSF ARGENTINE YARD LMIT - West Outbound Storage Track
West Outbound Storage Track modifications provided additional storage tracks for BNSF Locomotives. GAC created fourteen new parking spaces, upgraded five existing parking spaces, and installed a light tower and K-rail to secure the area. The work included relocating gas and water utilities and a storm ditch that ran through the new track bed. To expedite the project with minimal downtime, we worked closely with Kansas City BPU during work on the water main and with the BNSF track crew to ensure that the new track would be on-site at the intended time so as not to interfere with railroad operations. Both high voltage and low voltage power poles were removed and replaced by performing underground boring.
The biggest takeaway on this project is that it was completed with minimal downtime for our client while producing an on-time and under-budget project while working through challenging opportunities.