George Allen Construction moves into the California market.
View our Amtrak New Wheel Truing Facility Video
George Allen Construction completed their first project in Los Angeles with the construction of Amtrak’s new wheel-truing facility at their LAX yard. This year long, accident and injury free, project required construction of a highly precise concrete pit and pedestal base to support a new, state of the art wheel-truing lathe housed in a new 6,900 sq. ft climate-controlled building, which will create a cleaner, safer, and more productive workspace for the Amtrak workforce.
With LAX being one of Amtrak’s busiest yards, GAC had to successfully manage the construction demands of an active railyard while ensuring little to no impact on yard activities. In addition to typical construction activities, GAC was tasked with preserving the historic Native American lands that was being built upon. This required consultation with three Native American tribes and archaeological monitors to observe construction activities to identify, document, protect, and/or recover potential archaeological resources discovered during those activities. Fortunately, GAC has experience with construction on historic lands and was able to safely proceed with this project while staying within the original construction timeframe.
Next up for GAC and the Amtrak LAX yard will be the installation of a wheel change out machine, restroom and locker renovation project and an electrical transformer system upgrade.
Video by Wayne Cable Photos